Telugu Calendar 2023 Usa January: A Guide To Festivals And Events

Telugu Calendar 2023 Usa January: A Guide To Festivals And Events


As we enter the year 2023, it’s time to take a look at the Telugu calendar and see what lies ahead in January for the Telugu community in the USA. Telugu is one of the major languages spoken in India, and the Telugu calendar follows a lunar cycle. It is a rich source of information on festivals, auspicious days, and other important events.

Personal Experience

Being a Telugu-speaking person, I have always looked forward to the festivals and events listed in the Telugu calendar. They bring back fond memories of celebrations with family and friends. I remember how we used to gather around and exchange wishes on the occasion of Sankranti, the harvest festival. The colorful Rangolis, the delicious food, and the joyous atmosphere are something that I eagerly look forward to every year.

What is Telugu Calendar 2023 USA January?

The Telugu calendar for January 2023 lists a number of festivals and events that are of great significance to the Telugu community in the USA. Some of the major events are:


Sankranti is a major harvest festival celebrated in India. It marks the transition of the sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn. In Telugu, it is also known as “Pedda Panduga,” which means “big festival.” The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm by Telugu-speaking people all over the world.


Kanuma is the third day of the Sankranti festival. It is celebrated with great fervor in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. On this day, people worship cattle and offer them special food. It is a day to express gratitude to these animals for their contribution to agriculture and farming.

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is celebrated on the same day as Sankranti, but it is known by different names in different parts of India. In Telugu, it is called “Pedda Panduga,” and it is a day to fly kites, prepare special food, and exchange greetings and sweets with friends and family.

World Events in Telugu Calendar 2023 USA January

January 2023 is not just about festivals and events. There are also a number of important world events that are listed in the Telugu calendar. Some of them are:

New Year’s Day

January 1st is celebrated as New Year’s Day all over the world. It is a day to make resolutions for the year ahead and to celebrate with friends and family.

Australia Day

Australia Day is celebrated on January 26th to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, in 1788.

Republic Day

January 26th is also celebrated as Republic Day in India. It marks the day when the Indian Constitution came into effect in 1950.


Q: What is the significance of Sankranti?

A: Sankranti is a major harvest festival celebrated in India. It marks the transition of the sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn. It is a day to express gratitude to the sun, the earth, and the cattle for their contribution to agriculture and farming.

Q: What is Kanuma?

A: Kanuma is the third day of the Sankranti festival. It is a day to worship cattle and offer them special food. It is a day to express gratitude to these animals for their contribution to agriculture and farming.

Q: How is Makar Sankranti celebrated?

A: Makar Sankranti is celebrated on the same day as Sankranti, but it is known by different names in different parts of India. In Telugu, it is called “Pedda Panduga,” and it is a day to fly kites, prepare special food, and exchange greetings and sweets with friends and family.


The Telugu calendar for January 2023 is a treasure trove of information on festivals, auspicious days, and other important events. It is a guide to the rich cultural heritage of the Telugu-speaking people. Whether it is the joyous celebrations of Sankranti or the solemn remembrance of Republic Day, the Telugu calendar has something for everyone.

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